Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Model Casting

We're looking for ladies for the show. 
Here's the deal.

Model Casting #1
Wednesday, November 19th
2:00 o'clock
Joseph Green Lobby

Model Casting #2
Monday,  November 24th
2:00 o'clock
Joseph Green Lobby

(e-mail us for info)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fashion Show Information

Women In Red Fashion Show

Friday Feb. 20th, 2009 from 7 to 10pm

Location: RC Cook Union A/B and Lobby

The purpose for the show is to raise funds for the American Heart Association located here in Hattiesburg as well as to raise awareness about Heart Disease in Women.

Organizational Help

My Mother’s Heart
“My Mother’s Heart” is a non-profit organization founded by Chakara Lewis. It was founded in 2001 after her mom died from Heart Disease.
She will have a table set up at the event to give out information about her organization as well as speak.

American Heart Association
A representative from the AHA will come and speak at the show as well as have a table set up to hand out information about them and Heart Disease.

There are five committee’s that you can choose to join: Venue/Visual, Silent Auction, Food & Drinks, and Models.


This committee is in charge of decorating the venue for the event.
Things like streamers, Christmas lights, balloons, table decorations, etc will be needed.

Silent Auction
In charge of going to businesses to see if they will donate items to the auction.
List from last year’s show could come in use for this year.

If you are not from Hattiesburg, but live in a place near Hattiesburg, if possible go to businesses in your hometown to see if they would donate something during the Holiday break.

Food and Drinks
Go to local café’s or restaurants to see if they would like to donate food/drinks for the event
List from last year’s show could help with this
Food/Drink items like: Coffee, desserts, finger foods, etc.

Over Casting the Models for the event.
Going to clothing companies to see if they would loan clothing for the event. Models can use their own clothes if approved by us.
Casting between 20-25 girls for the show.
A dress rehearsal will be performed in Jan. a month before the show.

Media for the show

Student Printz
Hattiesburg American
WDAM ???
6am morning show a week before show
Come to the event live on the day of the show
Help sell tickets

Tickets will be sold for $10 dollars each. We will start selling them around the 2nd or 3rd week of Jan.
Businesses that donate items worth $50 or more will get two tickets, for one and a guest.
After the show we must be cleaned up and ready to leave at 10pm or we will get charged for being there after 10pm

(Thanks to Jame' for the above information)

FMO Meeting Minutes 11.04.08


T shirts
- collection of money ($11) & sizes

Fashion Show Presentation
- February 20th ; heart disease
- "My Mother's Heart"

-Visual & Venue
-Food & Drinks

- news, newspapers, local publications

-$10 tickets

Guest Speaker
- Madison Moore from Unique & Kabira Modeling Agency

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

FMO Meeting Minutes 10.07.08


- Discussion of colors
- Designs?
- Tabling color for another time

Market Discussion/ Dallas (10/24-10/26)
- Road bump discussion (need passes to get into Dallas Market Center)
- For anyone who is still interested we are considering
o Making appointments with vendors
o Interviewing with Dallas businesses

Let Josh or Naomi know asap!

SMAC (formerly UAC) Carnival
- Will Take place on October 31st (Halloween) from 3-6 in the Union
o Sign Up
o Supplies
o Ideas

Possibilities for Guest Speakers
- Dolly Lloyd
o Breast Cancer Speaker/Southern Miss professor

- Kim Therber
o Sales Rep

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Market/Dallas Update

Hello everyone

We've run into some speedbumps regarding the market trip that is scheduled for October 24th - 26th. Some information recently came into our possession regarding admission into the actual market. It turns out tours are only given on weekdays of the Dallas Market Center, and to get into the actual you have to be a buyer of some sort. We can't even begin to express our disappointment and we're sure all of you are experiencing a modicum of regret as well.

It's a definite wrench in our plans but we've come up with a few solutions such as traveling to network and meet contacts such as retailers and other fashion industry types. We're open to everything anyone has to say and ask that everyone please attend the October 7th meeting to express any thoughts, make suggestions, or ask questions. We are happy to address any concerns you may have.

Monday, September 29, 2008

The Dallas Market Center

2100 North Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75207
(800) 325 - 6587
(see you there)

Market Info

Dallas Market Trip
October 24th – 26th

Dallas Market Center
The Fashion Center is where the market will be located.
Parking garage is long walk so be prepared to walk.
Ladies it might be a day for flats, but that is up to you.

Where will we Stay?

We have several options for hotels.

To the left is the Hyatt Summerfield Suites. Assuming 8 people in 2 rooms, the nightly rate per room is $104. For 2 rooms including tax, the total will be $490.64 amongst 8 people divides down to a little over $61 per person.

Holiday Inn Dallas Market Center
The Holiday Inn is listed at $104 per room per night assuming 8 people in 2 rooms. For 2 rooms including tax thru Orbitz, the total will be $501.68 amongst 8 people which divides down to a little under $63 per person.

I hope everyone will have a friend. We thought it best that everyone carpool or take their own vehicles. Also, we think it only fair that those driving their cars and allowing others to ride with them should receive some gas money. That total will reflect, however, the number of people you take. More gas money for more people.

Where is everything?

Market to Hyatt – 1.41 miles

Market to Holiday Inn – 0.44 miles

What to Do in Dallas???

Galleria Dallas – 9.67 miles

North Park Center – 8.44

Trip Totals and Information

• Deposit of $100 is due on October 7th
• This will most likely be all that you will owe for the trip
• After we know everyone that will be going, we will need to know your transportation situations by the 21st to allocate gas money. That will be the meeting after the 7th and the Tuesday before the trip.
• Reservations will be made on October 8th and 9th , therefore no deposits will be accepted after the 7th

More information about Dallas:

(Thanks to Josh for the above information which was taken from his powerpoint)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

FMO Meeting Minutes 9.23.08

12:20 PM

Dues-Please have dues paid by October 7th ($20 for new members, $10)
- Josh, our treasurer is in charge of dues. If you can't get ahold of Josh contact another officer and we'll be happy to take care of you

Market trip discussion
- Dallas Market Oct. 24th thru 26th
Deposit of $100 due 10/7.
Reservations will be made on October 8th and 9th.


People who decide to drive their own cars will be reimbursed for gas
Please refer to the powerpoint for more information

Dr. Y's Presentation of Samaritan's Purse; Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox charity for disadvantaged children for the holidays.
Also asking for $7 donation


Planning on posters and flyers (sponsored by Maurice's)

Key dates : October 1st, November 10th

T shirt designs!
-Ginger and Jame' have designs, going to discuss it more on Oct 7th

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

FMO Meeting Minutes 9.8.08

Fashion Merchandising Organization Meeting
September 9, 2008
12:20 P.M.

1. Introduction of Officers
2. Discussion of dues ($20 for new members, $10 for returning members)
a. Due on September 23rd
3. Meeting dates and time
4. Every other Tuesday in JGH 200
5. FMO Calendar and Activities
a. Breast Cancer Awareness
b. Carnival
c. Trick or Treating
i. In which we “trick or treat” for can goods and similar products
d. Shoe box packages

Possible Future Events
- February Fashion Show
* (Heart Disease), probable collaboration with Delta Sigma Theta
- “My Mother’s Heart”
- Modesty Fashion Show

Maurice’s Promotional Events
- Setting up tables/booths
* Own FMO models walk around campus in outfits on loan from retailer Maurice’s.
* Use as a recruitment vehicle for FMO
- This is not a time consuming activity!
* Will only an hour or two of your time and is, of course, resume building.

Next time:

- T-Shirts!
*Anyone with talent in this arena please, by all means, don’t hesitate to let us know!
- We would like to get t-shirt designs in asap!

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

1. Has FMO ever attended a fashion week?

No, unfortunately the Fashion Merchandising Organization has not had the privilege to attend Fashion Week but remain open to any ideas and suggestions that could possibly get us there – not only would it be educational, but career building and exciting as well! Here is a link that could possibly provide more insight:

Fashion Week 101

Possibility of Coat drive was discussed for November and decided on, may be bumped up into October